Conversations with parents over many years have highlighted that families are often concerned that their decision to live overseas will affect their children's opportunities and choices when it comes to university admissions. It can be a source of great anxiety, especially as parents will, of course, typically start thinking about this far in advance of when schools are able to appropriately provide university and career guidance services to their students.
This blog aims to help parents unpack the complex array of university options available to students who will graduate in an expatriate environment or from an international school - whether in Singapore or elsewhere. We are pleased to share some of our collective wisdom and hope to help you make the most of the university guidance on offer at your child's school when the time comes to start discussing these options.
We hope to provide insight and guidance on themes we feel are universal for parents of students in an international school, those that our experience tells us will preoccupy you regardless of the course your child is enrolled (or will be enrolled in)—be it the IB Diploma, A Levels, Senior Certificate course, a High School Diploma or any number of other High School leaving courses.
The blog will be updated each month - please come back and visit us regularly, or subscribe to receive an email alert when we post something new.